Trainz videos

i gave you the credit.

Didn't see any upfront.
Perhaps you put on a sticky-note. they're notorious for falling off. :hehe::eek:

For the sake of courtesy (& I am guilty of not doing this too), it's nice to add a small note stating the source of an item, & thanking them for same.
I do realise that once an item is released to the public 'forum' (eg videos on U-Tube etc), that an undertaking is made in by doing so, to allow their use to some extent by others, & I believe this includes the sharing of these?. Not sure.
Can anyone clarify what the legality of onward sharing of videos is please?.
(Oh cripes!, now I've really trod in something smelly!!):confused:
I'm sorry!
Very nice Bill, hope you can make it longer! :) Maybe I ought to make a video later too. :)


Gisa ^^
Very nice Bill, hope you can make it longer! :) Maybe I ought to make a video later too. :)


Gisa ^^

Thank you very much. I think I will make a longer one that showcases the whole route. I just need to practice now that I half know what do. I just wish it could be large and not blurry. :(

My pleasure. I like how you tried to emulate the *horn crossing*. I'm not sure if it is my computer or settings, but the video came out a bit jittery. That being said, your route looks really realistic and I think sometimes, my favourite part about trainz is to just watch them go by :) so keep up the great work! I have to do some stuff today but if I get time later, maybe I'll post a video of something I've been working on here later...

I didn't find the video quality blurry, just jumpy, that's all. :/

Keep up the good work!


Gisa ^^
Austrian 760mm Video

This is my first Trainz-Video:

You can find it on in the free download section called "Freie Downloads". There is no registration necessary to download the Video.


Here's a little video of a fictional station in the Netherlands, called Adorp around 1980. A train, plan U, is leaving at track 1. When he reaches the end of the yard, another train (plan V) is approaching the station. A 'Sik' (ns 200-300) crosses the canalbridge with a small freighttrain.

There's no sound, yet...
