Suggestions for Jointed Rail (Not Locomotives)

It'd be cool to get some overgrown or otherwise unmaintaned/abandoned track types based off of the "JR LT Grey" lineup. The high-detail track pack is good and all, but they do not particularly go together with the LT Grey family (rail shape is different, ballast color/height is different).

In particular, im thinking of an overgrown, no-rail variant. Something like this, but that -isn't- over a decade old:
How about this Milwaukee Road snowplow? Its located near the Potlatch Lumber Mill in St. Maries, Idaho. I believe its owned by the St. Maries River Railroad.

Would like to see a seperate door asset(does't have to be operational) To fill in openings, like the new JR transload building.
How about some premade curves 18 radius to 38 radius like these it whould make route building easy.
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Well the doors do fill the opening, its tedious and they are clear when viewed from behind. I was hoping it would have doors as pictured here, that would open and close.
How about some premade curves 18 radius to 38 radius like these it whould make route building easy.

There is a series of track included in TS12 and before that I made by prjindigo that start with 'FT' and can be found under the 'Buildings/Structures' tab. 'FT' stands for 'Fixed Track' and are just like the sectional track you want. They are also available on the DLS by searching for 'prjindigo' and checking the box beside 'TRS2004.' I use those, along with olegkhim's series of fixed track, which also includes crossovers and double-track ft pieces, to lay out the track on my routes. Note that olegkhim's track have a 5 meter spacing, unlike the 4.5 meter standard here in the U.S. If you want to make curves in excess of 1500 meters, use bernardus_61's series of curves. These are also helpful when doing double-tracked curves in excess of 1500 meters. Note that bernardus_61's curves have a 4.5 meter spacing, compared to olegkhim's tracks, which have a 5 meter spacing, so you'll have to get creative to use them together. Bernardus_61's curves also curve in increments of 1 degree. So if you have a 45 degree, 2000 meter radius curve, you'll need 45 pieces to make a perfect, 2000 meter curve. All of these are available on the Download Station.
Chad I think I will go ahead and update that transfer warehouse with working doors. I think you may have been the one to ask for an unloading shed with 2 bays vs 1 large one? If not well... Here ya go anyway!
