TOPSIG iPortaling V3

Danny, we do the content this way because it uniform and easy. It also means where not downloading cars that we might only use once.

Also, there are a few people who I have noticed on teamspeak that I dont think could handle those instructions. I also dont think they can handle these ones but oh well.

Keeping every thing the same for every one is much easier then having to hunt every thing down,

Also a note that I'd like to point out. We are moving the sessions to SUNDAY starting at 7PM EST till when ever. This is to help better fit some summer schedules.
Hello. Is in necessary to show your face on teamspeak? I do not want to. To show my face. It is for privacy. And register my copy of trainz is for privacy too.

OK, Sunday, 7pm EST. I am looking forward to it.
Hello. Is in necessary to show your face on teamspeak? I do not want to. To show my face. It is for privacy. And register my copy of trainz is for privacy too.

OK, Sunday, 7pm EST. I am looking forward to it.
if you don't register you version of trainz with trainz you will not be able to use the iporals....
bernhart_lossiemouth You don't have to put your picture on TS. To join us on TS type in these #'s with the dots
BUT you have to register your version of trainz with Auran/N3V For us to let you join.
You being a Trainz Veteran you should know that.
IM done with Iportaling for the good. I've had too many Computer problems (all of them were trainz related). And i'm tired for trying to fix everything after it crashes and my IPortals are Broken for some reason now. So im going back to good old MP maps. Have fun and good luck.
Honestly I don't balm you I'm ready to pull the plug my self I'm stell trying to patch dam trains and its taken far too much longer then it shod. All this crap because of a faulty windows update what a pane in the arse.

Dragon part of the problem is with the content you gave to Ken, <kuid2:375451:100003:3> Explosive Goods, must have been a default commodity with your rolling stock, but it will bug your multiple industries and will not allow you to add commodities to your multiple industries... if you have this downloaded you need to delete this from Content Manager
My route don't use multiple industries anymore I removed them all that kuld is old I updated a V4 for SP1.
I stell have to redownload everything so it looks like I'm having no luck and Sundays don't work for me because I have to be up for work by 5am on Monday by the time the session stats I'm gone for the night I kinky lost intest in it anyway so I wont be makeing any new fixs anytime soon.
My job is more importen then trainz.

Your V4 is messed up too, I have deleted all of your content due to the risk of something else bugging my sessions
Your V4 is messed up too, I have deleted all of your content due to the risk of something else bugging my sessions

Same here, I removed all his content and also removed the iPortalDPRV4 from my Google space until he can get his Windows working again and his content fixed.
Look, 2 people, one of which is myself found that something in YOUR content is causing the multiple industries on our sessions to get a script error and completely quit functioning. You may not use any multiple industries on your route, but others do. And its not the built in multiple industries that are faulty.

Still not convinced? Everything worked fine on my route until I downloaded your consist file off of Ken's Drive, that's when my problems started to occur. I didn't download any single other thing from anywhere during that time. Delete it, and everything is fine again. Yes, it doesn't show up faulty via Content Manager, but it is the cause of the problem.

You think your mad, try having each of your sessions on your entire Trainz not work right because all the industries are bugged. Then come talk to me. For a week I tried everything and was stalled on my whole iportal route so if there was a session yesterday, I could only sit and be mad that my industries wouldn't load a single thing.

Also, we did not choose the route for you to use for your iportaling. Some of us are using routes made by others and some are creating their own. If the route you choose for yourself doesn't work, its not our fault. I see no place on the forum that one of us told you to use that certain route.
Okay, time for the jets to be cooled down. If this persists, the thread is going to get closed for sure. The forums do not need another closed thread.

Fix it you self!

More than likely its the way that commodity works with multiple industries. I can't give you a screenshot because all it says is the multiple industry has an error. Read though the error messages and it doesn't include your product anywhere. I'm not a content creator but that's my idea of what the problem is.