Why are trains derailing in Surveyor?


Creator, BMP Trainz
The picture is pretty self-explanatory. This is the first version of Trainz I've ever had this happen with, and it happens when I try to move consists around in Surveyor mode (and not during a session, just regular Surveyor from the main screen. Is anyone else having this problem, and is there a fix for it?

Surveyor is normally paused, but you might want to make sure it didn't get unpaused?
How would you even pause or unpause Surveyor? Like I said this wasn't during driving mode that I went into surveyor, this was straight to editing it from the main screen.

EDIT: Surveyor was already "paused" so that's not it, consists are also getting stuck on scenery splines as if they were track.
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Setup an AI train with commands to enter the road the train is derailing on. If the AI train drives via a different track this normally means that the point isn't working correctly or there's a slight breakage in the track.. Also check the map, if the blue lines are continuous this is good, if the blue lines has weird gaps this is a problem.. You'll need to resave the route from TRS19 or TANE and then export the route into cdp and then import that into TRS22..
Setup an AI train with commands to enter the road the train is derailing on. If the AI train drives via a different track this normally means that the point isn't working correctly or there's a slight breakage in the track.. Also check the map, if the blue lines are continuous this is good, if the blue lines has weird gaps this is a problem.. You'll need to resave the route from TRS19 or TANE and then export the route into cdp and then import that into TRS22..
There's no breakages in track so I'll have to try re-importing.
There's no breakages in track so I'll have to try re-importing.
when Re-importing the route into a new Version of the game Make SURE there is NO CONSISTS on the Route.. Having Consists on the Route will cause this exact same scenario to happen like you had happen with Consists Derailing in Surveyor Mode.... I save the route after I make Track changes or Changes to all the consists and the Export the Route to a CDP on the Desktop Screen... Once that is Complete I would Import the CDP to TRS22 From the Desktop.. Also Not Mentioned Make sure there is NO Consists in the Portals at all This will cause Missing CDP's and Derailments to happen in Surveyor I had this happen when i redownloaded a route that i had done with a new install of TRS22 and it caused everything to derail in surveyor not fun to fix after multiple saves every hour or so fixing the route and consists... if you need help shoot me a PM and will be glad to help figuring this out via discord