Water layer


Active member
I love the effect layers in trs22, but the water layer in trs19 appears to be totally unmanageable. In theory, I have no water layer in my current route, but in practice, when I smooth a road, an unwanted water layer appears even though we are above sea level. Sometimes, going to Environment, creating a layer and cancelling it again, will make the water disappear, but as soon as I smooth my road or lower the ground level (in the this was to 8 metres above sea level) the cursed water appears again. There does not appear to be any way of controlling it. Remove water, adjust water height, of course, have no effect because they are for the old-style (manageable) water.
Yes, I get this problem too. Lowering terrain leaves pools of water. I remove these by painting over the offending pools of water with the set height for the water level set to -50 but it is annoying.
I had this same issue with a route I'm upgrading! What did to solve it.

First of all, open the Topology Tools! Using the 'Add Water' tool paint where your route should have water 'Yes, this means that if you see a river, lake, stream, ocean' that has water paint over it'.

Now set the using the 'Adjust water height' tool. Use this tool to raise or lower to sit on the top of the water that is currently presented in the route.

Go to Edit Environment! You will see this weird dial, click on either one of those green dots, this will or should enable the Colour 'Color' dials 'Red | Green | Blue'
You can change the water colour here by clicking on the 'Water Color Preview' icon. I always set it to black, it's so much better ;)

While still in the 'Environment - Lighting' settings, click on the 'Environment' tab
In the Water section, here you can change how the water looks. Now you can close the Environment - Lighting settings window.

Go to Edit Effect Layers, click on all water layers then click the 'DELETE' button. Then make sure you click on the 'TICK' buttons to confirm entry!

This is the only fix that I have for it! I really hope it helps.. Yes, you will be removing the 'Effect Layer' but I'm not certain why there's bugs with it, maybe the upgrade for some of the terrain textures being converted to PBR had caused this issue.. I'm just not 100% sure on that..