unconnected splines


since 10 Aug 2002
Is there a continuity detector for track and other splines? I see a separate and merge splines function but that is only good if you already know the state of a specific spline. You could drive an engine along the track and every time it derails, voila, unconnected splines. Not very time efficient on a large route.
Yes, on the DLS there are 1 mile long trains that you can place so if the train places you know there is no problem. One more solution is get a train on the tracks as you said, but enable debug features and press shift while in the driver mode, it will make the train go at huge speed and takes less time.

Hope it is helpful!
Sort of. Might be doable on a linear route but when there are tracks in all directions with multiple junctions, not so easy. Now if the junctions would change color if connected, or not, that would help.