Trying to use Portal Hangs Game [solved]


Remember the Withered Arm
In Surveyor, whenever I try to lay a Portal, it can be placed in position, rotated to the desired angle and track snapped into place. However, if I try to change the layer from Session Layer to Route Layer, the game freezes and the only way to exit is the time honoured "Ctrl Alt Delete" method and crash out of the game.
Similarly, if I choose a Portal already placed and try to add a consist for the portal to generate, the game will hang in the same way.

This is regardless of what Portals I try - Portal Basic, Portal Short, Portal Short_HP, Portal Basic Height Adjustable, C+Portal Half Length etc.

Is there a workaround please?
sterrett - Something is wrong there - You should always add portals in Route edit mode (to the route layer) and configure them in Session edit mode according to your needs.
You're obviously doing things the non-Great Western way!
Just tested portals here in Build 116492 and they work correctly.
Suggest check for faulty assets and check to see if the portals are entirely on the base-board and not spilling over into empty space.
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Hi PC_Ace! Yes, I think I did something the Ballygobackwards way, as the comedian Jimmy Cricket would say! :D
I deleted my portals in Content Manager and downloaded them again and now they work fine. My guess is something threw a wobbler along the way and corrupted the scripting.