Trying to make 2022 work for me

An old problem arises in that portals are not functioning properly.

Funny thing was that the very first time I ran my session, the portals did work, kind of like in this post:

"Build 116009

Simple test route - single piece of track, short basic portal at one end. A trackmark followed by a buffer(01 type.

Variety of engines specified in the Portal setup. The first run works perfectly. After restarting the second run fails as do all subsequent attempts with different engines. The Paused label appears but no engine appears.

Create a new track with portal and the first run works, others fail. "

My build is 115985 in the 2022 beta.

I downloaded my favorite route " Rocky Mountains Montana Track 2019 ".

Then I got my cdp's of the slightly modified route and my session and loaded them in. I took a breath, crossed my fingers and started my session. I only got one driver in the drivers list because one of my drivers is missing from the installation ( William seems to be misssing from the Download Station) but the drivers list soon got populated with the three AI drivers that I was expecting and they were all driving the route as expected. I pulled out of the session without saving because I wanted to fix the missing driver situation for one of my two driver consists. When I went back to re-run the session I see I am back to the recurring issue where the engine of all three AI consists are at the mouth of their respective " Portal Basic Short " and they are not moving nor is the rest of the consist forming in the portal and no drivers appear in the drivers list because the consists have not exited the portal.

The first time I had this problem was after an update many years ago and after a fix was made, I found that I had to re-do the session to get the portals to work, so I tried to edit out the AI traffic in the above session and then re-enter the AI. This did not work for me.

Everything was working fine for me till I had a computer melt down and I had to re-install everything. That is when I was forced to the latest version of Trainz 2019 and I started having portal issues in that version and since I was destined to move to 2022 I decided it was time to try the beta but now I'm screwed yet again.

I just finished reading through all the posts in this forum and the post I mentioned above is the closest thing I could find to the problem I'm having.

Why does this portal issue keep coming back after updates??????

Wild Willy the Wacko
I guess I am my own enemy here because I prefer " Open-ended Sessions" !

I will take a route that I like and configure the industries, add some AI traffic to interact with like maybe passenger service and then some more AI that occasionally enter the route with consists of commodities that I work with on the route and aside from making small tweaks here and there, I will just run the same Session, day after day, month after month and year after year. So, when the occasional update, one per year or even every two years breaks my session, I notice.

That is why I have recurring portal problems. It seems that when an update messes-up the operation of the portals, the solution is to re-do the session in the new update version. Others don't see the problem because they will set-up a test track session in the new " update version" and say " I see no problem". The thing is that my sessions are not that simple and take weeks and months to re-build.

I think after re-reading a thread about MINs not working, I've got the answer:

A bunch of us should get down on our knees and beg SMGSapper to make us a portal that will continue to work with a session from update to update!

He did do a good job on those B13 industries!

Wild Willy the Wacko
I have found that this has been an issue for years so it's not just a TRS22 problem. The saved driving-sessions always seem to have issues after updates in one form or another. The failures, crashes, or glitches that occur are almost guaranteed.

I have also found that after updating to a new version that the original session, the one that the driving-sessions are based on, will be glitchy. The AI will act weirder than normal and other things won't work right. Recently, I discovered that if I open the route and sessions and resave them, this updates them to the new version, and everything goes back to normal. Unfortunately, I don't see an out for the driving-sessions. Unless updating the route and session first then opening up the existing driving-sessions then saving them may also fix them as well.
Yes, I have found with each update that saved sessions no longer work. Not sure why. I tried a saved session after installing SP4, and it just froze. Time to start over from the beginning. It's too bad, because I don't always have enough time in a day or evening to complete an entire session, and if I update before finishing it, it is no good.
One issue: CPC does not restart upon a saved session re-start. After re-starting the session go into "Edit Session" and then RIGHT click CPC for menu and "Reset" the single rule. Upon return to Driver the portal works again. This works for me anyway with CPC and Portal combo. Works with timed emits and trackmark emits.
I think I'm not following you, what Trainz and SP are you in that this happens?

One issue: CPC does not restart upon a saved session re-start. After re-starting the session go into "Edit Session" and then RIGHT click CPC for menu and "Reset" the single rule. Upon return to Driver the portal works again. This works for me anyway with CPC and Portal combo. Works with timed emits and trackmark emits.

My experience in my last iteration of Trainz ( 2019 maybe SP2 or 3 ) was that CPC did infact work after re-starting from a " Driver " game save.

The issue with the way it worked for me was that even though I specified a " Sequential " emission of my different consists, it would start emitting with the first consist in the list instead of emitting the next consist after the most recent one emitted before saving.

The most recent change I made was to change to " Random " emissions thinking that would work better but then I hosed my comp. and lost everything.

Isn't it strange that some things seem to work totally different for different people? I guess that is why N3V keeps saying that they can't replicate my problems!

Wild Willy the Wacko
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