Trying to download TMR17 - Error 502



ERROR 502​

Bad Gateway​

We could not establish a connection to​

I am trying to download TMR17 which is in my downloads list. Has anybody come across this message?

Hi Doug

I just downloaded the full installer fine.

If you are downloading over a wireless connection, this can be an issue with large files. Your ISP can also interrupt the large download too because they can and also due to poor connections.
Hello John. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am downloading over wireless. I will now keep trying and see if it works and I will try other ways and files to see what happens. Hopefully I will be able to report success.
If you can, plug your PC into the router via a network cable. That should help with the download.
Please do update on your outcome.
If you can, plug your PC into the router via a network cable. That should help with the download.
Please do update on your outcome.
I have been able to get the program installed by downloading and running the exe. which indicated to me what you posted is correct. Thanks again. It appears to be a case of my ISP doing what we call in Australia "playing silly buggers".
Now it won't authorise my login. It says that my login is accepted in the settings panel but rejects it when I start the program. This cannot be related to my download problem so I will have to work on it. Ah, the wonders of modern technology
I have been able to get the program installed by downloading and running the exe. which indicated to me what you posted is correct. Thanks again. It appears to be a case of my ISP doing what we call in Australia "playing silly buggers".
Now it won't authorise my login. It says that my login is accepted in the settings panel but rejects it when I start the program. This cannot be related to my download problem so I will have to work on it. Ah, the wonders of modern technology
ISPs playing silly buggers is a great explanation of what goes on. I'm glad you got the program downloaded.

Check your firewall settings and ensure that TMR17 is getting through it and also exclude the program and the data folder from your antivirus real-time scan. That can also play silly buggers with the program as it stops things that are trying to run.
Does 17 have anything offer that isn't on '19? I never reinstalled it when I upgraded my PC. I guess I couldn't see a reason to. Am I wrong?
ISPs playing silly buggers is a great explanation of what goes on. I'm glad you got the program downloaded.

Check your firewall settings and ensure that TMR17 is getting through it and also exclude the program and the data folder from your antivirus real-time scan. That can also play silly buggers with the program as it stops things that are trying to run.
Hello again John. Success!. I persevered with trying to get it running without altering any puter settings and it is up and running. Don't ask me what I did that got it working because I do not know.
Again thank you for your help and time, without it I would have given up.
Hello again John. Success!. I persevered with trying to get it running without altering any puter settings and it is up and running. Don't ask me what I did that got it working because I do not know.
Again thank you for your help and time, without it I would have given up.
You are welcome, Doug. I'm glad I could help. My guess is as good as yours as to why it worked eventually.