Routes Not Properly Saving Edits


Route Building Rocks
Recently, I've had two instances where I would make edits in a route in surveyor mode, save and quit, then go back in only to find the edits I made were gone. Initially, I would think that I had accidentally pressed 'dont save' before quitting but unless Im only going in to edit one small detail, I always save in game. That and the fact that there are traces of evidence that shows where the edits were, like rulers, some objects and embankments where I had placed tracks or roads. This has happened to me three times as of writing this, the third instance happening today and being a lot more destructive than the previous two. And I'm afraid if it happens again, it will be much worse.

Has this been happening to anyone else?

Close Trainz back to the Launcher and run a database repair. That should fix it unless there's some other underlying hardware problem such as a failing hard drive, or perhaps low on disk space.
If you have the route open, but you are editing in a session layer, then your saves may be going into a differrent session that you are not opening.
If you have the route open, but you are editing in a session layer, then your saves may be going into a differrent session that you are not opening.

I have only recently started using layers in trainz and I learned the hard of way of putting stuff on the session layer when I was working on a route about a year ago. However, whenever I would look at the route via 'edit session', the edits would still be there. Here that's not the case :/

Close Trainz back to the Launcher and run a database repair. That should fix it unless there's some other underlying hardware problem such as a failing hard drive, or perhaps low on disk space.

That just might work! I'll update you guys once I try it!