Road Lift Bridge


Get over it
I did my best search and couldn't find what I needed. I'm looking for a short 2-lane lift bridge, animated would be nice but not needed. I did find several but they were way to long for my scene.
I use this one here:


It's not functional but it's on the DLS. The bridge is short and stocky, if that's what you're looking for.

I know Ben Dorsey made a rail lift bridge, modelled on the one at Tocumwal NSW in Australia, but I'm not sure if he made the road version of it as well. The rail version is used in VR Goulburn Murray lines (all versions of the route) and the kuid of any road lift bridge would be close to that one.
Look for a double track railroad bridge. They are just wide enough for a two lane road. I have used several in my current project. You can lay a road just above the rails on the bridge. Yarns roads do a good job of hiding the rails. If you find a rail bridge you like try looking at the config file and use a road kuid for the bridgetrack if you have that option. The good thing about a rail bridge is you can use the bridge support track-objects to attach bridge supports that don't need excessive maneuvering to get it just right. Hope this helps.

Thanks guys. Jack, your suggestion sounds interesting and I will look into it Grazlash, I will check out Ben's bridges.
Found it: Vertical_lift_bridge_53

Same as version 51 but converted to a highway bridge that will open at the approach
of a boat that has been set up as a locomotiove running on the invisible track in
the water.

One of Ben's rail lift bridges converted to a road bridge
Last edited:
<kuid2:99226:38001:> - bridge_bascule1,
auth: signalman65

this might be as far short as I could locate on dls.

Regards, darrren