Interlocking Towers again

Note that the path will not be released after the last junction has been passed if you have any exclusive sets in the path. If you have, the processing has no idea where these exclusive sets are, so cannot release the path until the exit signal has been passed.


Exclusive sets end on path cancel or terminate. You do not need to run past the exit signal. There is something else happening which is a bit more recent. Paths only check for a code and check if another path is using that code, there is no physical location for an exclusive set.
Hi Steyrtal.

There is a bug in version v95 and may be in earlier versions that prevents releasing a path with Clear after last junction just after the last junction is passed. It should have been fixed with version v96 but may be the fix does not work for some special cases.
I am currently not able to look at the problem and do some tests before begining of next year, and if you have a repro case to send me I am interested if you can package the repro case (route + session + any dependencies not available on DLS - for DLC items used, please list the dlc to enable) in cdp you send me. i will post you in a private message my email address for sending me a cdp of your repro case. I should be able to have a look to the problem from Wednesday January 2023 4th.

For Peter Johnson, Stagecoach is right, path with Clear After Last junction should be released just after the rear of the last coach has passed the last junction for about 2 - 3 meters and releasing the path will of course release all ressources needed for the path including exclusive sets and TCBs.

Have a nice Christmas and an happy new year 2023.
OK, I stand corrected. I thought I had noticed that paths with exclusive sets didn't release after the last junction, but I must have been wrong. Apologies.

A consequence is that if like me you use exclusive sets to protect diamond crossings then you must be careful not to specify clear after last junction (as I habitually do) if the crossing is between the last junction and the exit signal. I have a bit of checking to do...
