Help With the Driver Command Rule in 2006


Active member
I'm placing this here, rather than the TRS-2006 thread, because there are still many of you who have 2006 loaded even though you use a later version. The other night I stumbled across mcguirel's old release on the DLS of two files (Play BNSF/UP Radio Chatter & Play CSX/NS Radio Chatter) allowing you to play radio chatter by adding these two files to the Driver Command rule in Surveyor. They were build for TRS-2004 but work fine in TS-2010. I already had them in 2006 but had a problem when trying to add them to the Driver Command. When I try to Edit the Driver Command in 2006 I get the following error that I think foretells of a problem with the file of the Driver Command kuid (<kuid:-310057>), a built in item of both 2006 and 2010. I don't know how long this error problem has existed in 2006.

Thread Exception ER NullReference, line 181, file
function $string@drivercommandrule::GetDescriptionHTML(), line -1
function $void@propertyobject::propertyBrowserRefresh(Browser), line 568

In 2010, I get a list of driver commands with tic boxes to check those you wish displayed, which includes the two radio chatter files/kuids. In 2006, I get this error followed by a blank screen where the check boxes should be. In 2006 there are only three files in my Driver Command kuid: command_type.texture, config.txt, and Also, in 2006 you can open the driver command for edit via Content Manager to see these files and then recommit. 2010 will allow you to open the kuid for edit but you cannot Commit. You must use Revert. This info I'm providing before anyone tries to open the Driver Command kuid in Content Manager.

Here is what I'd like to know from someone with 2006 loaded:

1. When you edit the Driver Command in Surveyor, do you get the drop down box allowing you to check those driver command rules you wish to use? Or, do you get an error similar to mine?

2. Assuming you do get the drop down allowing you to check/tic rules AND you feel comfortable enough in Content Manager to Open in Explorer the Driver Command rule and copy the gs file would someone send me a copy of that file as an email attachment. I'd like to paste it into my Driver Command and see if it works. If you are willing to do this, send me a PM or email via the forums and I'll give you my email address to send the gs file attachment.

I know I could reinstall 2006 and possibly fix the problem, but that is a hell of a lot of work for one small file and it creates a lot of other problems that takes hours/days to fix. The Driver Command appears to still works in game but it does not allow me to add or delete anything from the default list of commands displayed.
