Central PA Lumber Company


Get over it
I have this question on the USLW Site but haven't gotten any bites in two days so I thought I'd try here also.
I downloaded Roon3808 's route but I'm missing two coaling trestles, one at Locust Summit (half circle) and one at Stillwater Yard (coal trestle 2).
Would someone who has this route be so kind as to send me a screenshot of these trestles and they're kuids so that I may locate them. Thank you for your effort.
Thanks for your help Dave. I've been to that thread and the link that shesa gave for kuid:148561:25005 doesn't work so I sent joxemai a message. I'll let everyone know if I get a response for that kuid.

In the mean time would you send me a screenshot of those trestles that I'm missing? I have no idea what I'm looking for as to those coaling trestles. I've been to the suggested sites and downloaded just about everything but still no coal trestles. Thanks.
The coaling trestle at Locust Summit is Bendorsey's "Multi Level Mine" KUID 2:210518:2939:1 and is on the DLS. How come you can't find this ?

Coal trestle 2 is the Descargado de Carbon KUID 148561:25005.

Dave Bird
Dave, thanks for the quick response and screens. On my downloaded route all I see at Locust Summit is tracks floating in the air so I had no idea what type of trestle to look for. CMP listed nothing as missing. I will get Ben's Mine as soon as I'm done here.

I'm still waiting to here from joxemai about kuid:148561:25005. If you could e-mail that kuid I would be greatly appreciative. Again, thanks for taking the time to help me.
Sorry - I don't have MSN - I try to steer clear of anything Microsoft. Either PM me or drop me a line on Yahoo to give me your email. Don't post it here without splitting it or something unless you want a zillion spam emails !

Dave- joxemai sent me a link for the that object. Thanks again for all your help and effort. The link is - www.trenak.com . Click on downloads trainz then splines and it's the fourth one down.