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  1. W

    Lets Ride Amtrak's Southwest Chief

    Here's my latest Amtrak effort. Hope you like it.
  2. W

    Trainz+ - HD Terrain Update Trade-off

    Just installed the Trainz+ HD update. Looks like a keeper but still familiarizing myself. Two things you will notice right away; Slower load times due file size, and Huge increase in file size of saved Route. My 110 mile Marceline Sub Route went from 238KB to 2019.8MB! File was too large to...
  3. W

    Location Bookmarks in S 2.0?

    Does TRS22 Surveyor 2.0 have a "Location Bookmark" feature like Surveyor Classic? If so, where is it located?
  4. W

    TRS22 Turf effects - turfFX

    turfFX works well in TRS19 but... Need a step-by-step for getting turf effects [turfFX] to show up in TRS22. Tried 1] Topolgy Tab/ Advanced, 2] Effect Layer - Grass [tried all preinstalled grass] 3] Height - UP 4] Sensitivity - UP 5] Radius - Selected 6] Nada Thx
  5. W

    TransDem in TRS22

    Any problems running TransDem routes in TRS22?
  6. W

    Trainz on YouTube video question

    Hi everyone, Love the Trainz Newsletter, especially the featured "Trainz on YouTube" video. Is there a contest to select the video for the Newsletter feature: "Trainz on YouTube"? If so, how does one enter? Thanks, wflint MP451
  7. W

    Lost all pick lists, bookmarks, and all settings to default

    Yesterday, my route was working perfectly. No faulty, missing, or unknown assets. Today on start-up, Lost all pick lists, bookmarks, and all in-game settings to went to "default"; plus lots of new unknown, faulty dependencies, etc. Is there a magic file somewhere that I can use to restore the...
  8. W

    Stop Honking Cars

    After trying all forum suggested solutions for "stop honking cars", my cars are still honking.:( 1] Selected "United States" region in surveyor as my preferred region. 2] Opened the "United States" config.txt,for edit, deleted all 31 default cars, and added 31 of my choice in sequence without...
  9. W

    TRS19 printable Keyboard Controls chart

    Anyone know where I can find a Printable* chart of TRS19 keyboard controls? Looked all over without success. *Fit a 81/2"x11" page.
  10. W

    How install macro in TRS19 CM to "Open with" PEV's Images2tga?

    Any one know how to set up "Open with" Images2tga context menu choice in TRS19 CM? Trawling would make things sooo much easier. Bill
  11. W

    How do you delete "unknown assets"?

    In CM, the "Status" of my route is "Modified, Missing Dependencies". When I "List Dependencies" for the route, there are no faulty or missing dependencies listed. I do have three "unknown assets" that I suspect are the problem but I am unable to delete them. Any one know how to delete the...
  12. W

    How to fix modified,faulty,payware?

    Failed to transfer various functioning freeware assets from TANE to TRS19; ex. various JR scenery items, lilb boxcars, some TUME buildings, etc.. Most worked fine but many flagged as "modified,faulty,payware". Tried "reverting to original", reinstalling using .cdp's, dragging "open-for-edit"...
  13. W

    A few Amtrak F59PHI shots at LAUPT

    As a tribute to the extraordinary and fine work done by Yukonzoom and Robin_Hoods on the recent F59PHI project, I offer a few recent Amtrak F59PHI shots taken at LAUPT. You guys are the best! Enjoy. :D :D :D
  14. W

    A few more Surfliner pics

    A few pics of a vintage Surfliner departing LAUPT (Los Angeles Union Pasenger Terminal) Stay tuned for some shots of the flyover...