Search results

  1. S

    Getting AI drivers to pick up passengers

    Can't seem to successfully get this to happen. If I say "drive to" trackmark x station, then "drive to" trackmark y station, driver does a california stop and rolls right through to y. If I say " drive to" then "wait for", driver will stop at the platform and wait, but not load the passengers...
  2. S

    My search Fu sucks. Is there a way to...

    Add different vehicles to traffic? I have noticed a glaring absence on my roads...TRUCKS! A 350 square acre intermodal yard without one truck moving in or out of it just seems off to me. And like the title says, I couldn't find it with a search. I've considered making them traincars and...
  3. S

    Re-skinning and other issues

    I'm re skinning austin316hockey's CPR passenger stock for my GN, but have found some issues. (like I don't think they're on the DLS anymore) For one, I got about half way done, and suddenly Images 2 TGA starts destroying my images when I save them. Comes out looking like bad television...
  4. S

    Settings for Proto Industry not "taking"?

    I'm setting up functional industries on my primary route, but I find that I have to configure the product each time before I drive, even though the layer window says "route layer". The only way they seem to hold is if I go directly from surveyor to "quick drive", any other way and they come up...
  5. S

    Defect generator/rule?

    I kind of like hearing the "detector milepost" reports, but they always end the same way; "No defects" Is there a way to have defects randomly come up? Say, "car number 8 in the consist has a hot bearing on the third axle, fireman's side. Drop speed to 20mph and cut car out at the next...
  6. S

    Anyone know more about these?

    These are our local LRT vehicles. All I can find about them is their made by Bombardier. I've searched the Bombardier website, but can't identify these. Anyone familiar with them? Has anyone made something similar?