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  1. H

    Strange shadow using AJS station

    Using AJS invisible stations I have a strange square shadow in the middle. See below. Any ideas what causes this? It is visible both in driver and in surveyor
  2. H

    Virtual connection

    Is there a way to connect two pieces of the layout using some kind of virtual connection without any delay. For instance to make a connection from an industry loading facility to the shadow station without creating the actual track or to go from one level to another level without a graded spur...
  3. H


    Is there a simple way, for instance by editing the config file, to attach an existing particle effect to a static asset? Let say I want to enhance an old ashpit asset using some mist or steam.
  4. H

    Slow down on a junction why??

    Just check out this video. What you see are two loops controlled by an enhanced interlocking tower. The loc gets a green signal; and start to move. Both switches are set in the right direction and the next signal is green. So the loc starts to accelerate comes near the first junction and for...
  5. H

    completely confused but now I want to go for it

    I little background. I started out lang time ago with UTC and TRS2004 then TRS2006, 2010, 2012, TANE, 2019 and now 2022 (plus). So you could say I have been always loyal to Auran. But after some trail and error I mostly gave up because of strange behaviour. Trains running backwards, driver...
  6. H

    What are those arrows?

    Can anybody tell me where those arrows come from? They are only on one specific layout I downloaded and they are on all splinepoints for rail (CHN wood 3) If I put a piece of the same rail somewhere those arrows don't show up.