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  1. F

    Some configuration settings for Passenger Stations not saved in TRS22.

    I'm hoping someone can help me work out a problem I am having with AJS Station configuration. I use AJS Station 1x50s <kuid2:122285:3330:21> and AJS Station Library <kuid2:122285:3499:23> in TRS2019 without any issues. However when I import my TRS19 route into TRS22 the station configuration...
  2. F

    Australian Screen shots (continued)

    EDIT!! Zec has applied a work around to the original thread, and it is now working again. The original thread appears to broken. Maybe it has reached some sort of capacity limit. We need a thread, so...... Please repost any shots you have posted since the 19th June. Here is a link to...
  3. F

    Is the 'Australian Screenshots' thread broken ?

    I am no longer able to view any posts after the 19th June on the 'Australian Screenshots' thread. This despite previously being able to see and place posts after this date. Does any one else have this problem? Phil
  4. F

    Recently manifesting issue with Protrack NSWGR track

    Has anyone else noticed that the ash colour of 'Protack NSWGR ashes, old timber, directly spiked, rusty rail' <kuid2:368725:49030> has changed from grey to rust with a recent (last?) update to 'PBR NSWGR Mesh Library'? How would one go about getting the colour reverted to the correct grey...
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    Bald Patches in TurfFX

    Ever since TurfFX were introduced I have experienced 'bald patches' in Turf in Driver which are not there in Surveyor. No subsequent Service Pack has resolved this issue. Does anyone else experience this? Does anyone have a solution/workaround?
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    Is there a non global whistle command/script ?

    I am trying to add whistle commands to Driver Setup. I found and downloaded the command "Guards whistle" kuid:165221:1092. Unfortunately the resulting whistle sound is global, ie. a guards whistle from a train at one end of the route can be heard all over the route. Can someone point me to a...
  7. F

    Issue with AI drivers changing cabs on a DMU after run around.

    In an AI drivers session I am trying to develop I have what I thought would be a fairly standard scenario. A DMU arrives at its destination, and the AI driven locos (two NSWGR 48 class locos in this case) need to run around the consist and depart in the opposite direction. The run around I...
  8. F

    Clutter Bug ?

    Having completed laying down (and in some parts relaying) 3 layers of TurfFX across my route, today I moved on to applying a Clutter Layer along the permanent way. To my annoyance as soon as I defined the first Clutter Layer vast areas of already laid TurfFX disappeared. This appears to be an...
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    Is there a rule to hide the new HUD at session start?

    The "Show/Hide HUD Panel" and the "Display Custom HUD" session rules no longer seem to work in TRS2019. Is there a replacement ?
  10. F

    Sorry, the cricket is on

    No more Trainz or forums tonight. The cricket is on (real cricket). Anyone else out there doing the same? Back for responses tomorrow :)
  11. F

    Gradiant display in the Driver UI

    During test runs of my Weddin route after import into TRS2019 I noticed to my dismay that at some points the Driver UI was showing gradients much higher than I thought I had laid down (at the critical steepest grades it was showing values much higher than the actual prototype 2% max grade). I...
  12. F

    Slow TV: The Indian Pacifice tonight (6th Jan) on Australian TV (SBS)

    As per title, SBS latest in "Slow TV". There are no ad breaks, no dialogue and minimal on-screen graphics. We get a rotating cast of camera angles: from the side of the train, from above the train, from ahead of the train and from the cab. The Indian Pacific 3-hour version is on SBS tonight...
  13. F

    Thanks for the latest newsletter, but I just want the DVD

    Great to hear in the latest news letter that ... TRS19 is now the most popular version of Trainz (based upon concurrent users). TRS19 is the fastest selling version of Trainz ever. As one who has purchased every CD/DVD release on day 1, in the days when that was the only way you could get...
  14. F

    "Cheese slice"r terrain scuplting.

    Just curious. Does any one (else) still use the "cheese slicer" terrain building technique for route building? (using topographic maps and sight visits, as opposed to using DEM data based topographical data). Phil (Dinasauarious Footplatious).
  15. F

    Who runs with Vertical Synch = Half ?

    Since I purchased my i7/1070 TANE desktop two months ago I have been reveling in the freedom of being able to run with Vertical Synch set to 'none', as all my previous Trainz/HW combos have been framerate constrained. However, yesterday I installed a system temperature monitoring app , and was...
  16. F

    Peppercorn Tree ?

    Not sure where to post this one. In southern NSW (Australia) the peppercorn tree was an iconic part of the railway landscape. I believe the species was originally a South African native, but in Oz we adopted it as one of our own. Almost every county station and livestock yard was shaded by...
  17. F

    Can I install (and run) my copy of TANE on my Dekstop and Laptop at the same time

    Hi, I am considering buying a laptop to supplement my TANE desktop. My plan is to use one for development, while testing route changes and sessions on the other. As the laptop would have lower spec than the desktop a secondary benefit would be being able to test route performance on a less...
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    Trying to contact Colhad

    I am trying to contact Coldhad to get permission to use my "traffic enabled" reskins of a couple of his carz assets in my upcoming WeddinNSW upgrade (what is an Australian route without Holdenz ?!). The e-mail Colin provides in the config.txt of his assets is no longer valid. Colin, if you...
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    Where's best spot to set Anti-aliasing/Anisotropy ?

    In early Trainz days, before the Anti-aliasing and Anisotropy settings were built into TS2009, I used to dial up some of each via my graphics card's settings. Is this still neccessary/recommended? If you specify these in both the card settings and TS2009 settings how do those settings interact...
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    Liverpool NSW

    Anyone going to be at the Liverpool exhibition this weekend ? I thought I would drop in Monday. Phil