Search results

  1. P

    Advice on new laptop

    I've been using an Asus Rog laptop, with an i7 processor and GTX1070 video card, for Trainz for the last 10 years at least and I am now at the point of replacing it and I need some advice on what to look for. I am definitely sticking with ASUS as this laptop has been a good and trusted friend...
  2. P

    Constant crashes to desktop in 122411

    As the title says I am now suffering constant CTD's in this build, mostly when working in surveyor classic. I have not yet tried surveyor 2 or HD terrain. Is this build still at 5.6, and if so will I be ok to revert back to the previous version? Peter
  3. P

    General Goods

    I have just reinstalled Trainz2022 plus edition and directed the install to my content folder, and I am missing a built in asset <kuid:-25:1492> General Goods. According to CM it was installed 10th March 2022 but is showing as Unknown location. As it is included in all of my personal routes they...
  4. P

    Pause Session Rule

    Now that we have the ability to pause a session, change to surveyor and save as the next session with all the rolling stock in the correct place, is there a rule available to pause a session at a set time?
  5. P

    Trackmark for turntable

    I know that a trackmark, set at radius 0.01, centred on a turntable will stop a single loco roughly in the centre of a turntable but what about a loco and tender? Is there a way to do this without multiple trackmarks for individual locos of varying length. Peter
  6. P

    Navigate or Drive

    For the last 14 years I have always used some form of path control and autodrive so the driver commands Navigate and Drive are basically new to me. What's the difference between the two and which would be appropriate for 2019. Thanks Peter
  7. P

    Very slow loading of splines

    I have been experiencing a very slow loading of splines on my route which is starting to irritate. It has come on slowly but is progressively getting worse and now can take up to 10 minutes after loading the route that the splines start to appear. The rest of the route loads fine and I can move...
  8. P

    TH R Route control

    I am trying to set a path with TH R route control in build 109641 but it doesn't seem to be working. Is it something I am doing wrong or is there a problem with the asset. I am also using enhanced IT in the same area but in 'dynamic' mode so the signal and junctions involved are not 'controlled'...
  9. P

    Industry setting.

    Is there an asset out there that simulates coal being unloaded by hand. I'm looking for an 'industry' (piece of track) that 4 wagons of coal can be shunted on to, then uncoupled and left to unload over a period of time. Is there such an asset about? If not, can one be altered and if so, how? Peter
  10. P

    Junction radius

    I've just upgraded to build 105100 (Trainzplus) and I have just tried to adjust the radius of a junction and it is not possible. All that happens is the mouse cursor disappears. Can any body else confirm or deny this please. If I get confirmation I will submit a bug report. Peter
  11. P

    Totally inappropriate firemen in UK steam locos by Gary Price

    Have any of you UK modellers noticed the inappropriate firemen in Gary Prices steam locos. Some are in hi-vis vests which were non-existent until the 1980's (well past the end of steam) and a blond women in a grey suite ?????. Any ideas how to change this back to the original fireman they came...
  12. P

    What's the number for?

    Since using TRS2019 I've noticed a number in the active driver command window. If you look at the picture below it's on the last command on line 4. I realise it is a counter and specifies the number of commands allocated to that driver (you will see that driver has 73 commands) but why is it...
  13. P

    Chinese steam engines hauling coal

    Gets very interesting after about 8 minutes. Now I know why the chinese believe in dragons. :hehe:
  14. P

    DVD version

    Will the DVD version be DRM free as I wish to install it on a PC that does not have an internet connection. If it needs to 'phone home' every 30 days it will be of no use to me. Thanks Peter
  15. P

    Loco running number

    I have a loco that changes it's running number each time the session is loaded. Is there anything I can add to the config to save the number so that it keeps the same number every time I load the session. I've tried searching the forums but have not come up with anything. Any help would be much...
  16. P

    Museum pieces

    Just come back from an amazing trip on Route 66 from Chicago to L.A. and just happened to come across these beauties just stood at the side of the road. I knew they were big but I didn't realise how big till I stood alongside them. Quite impressed. Peter
  17. P

    Which Asus Rog?

    I am going to buy an ASUS Rog laptop and I was originally going to by this one at £2000:00 Asus G752VY ROG Core i7-6820HK 32GB 1TB NVIDIA GeForce GTX980M 17.3" Windows 10 Gaming Laptop - G752VY-T7049T but I have just seen this one at £1300:00. Asus G752VT ROG Core...
  18. P

    New laptop

    I've been looking at buying a new laptop that is capable of running any of the Trainz Simulations at a reasonable FPS. I've looked at Alienware, Samsung (I already use a Chronos 7 and it is quite good but not good enough) and Asus but I have come across the following. Has anybody any experience...
  19. P

    Updating Trainz Asset Database

    When I start up TS12 it is doing an auto update of the database on a regular basis. This started about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Is anybody else having the same problem. And before anybody jumps in to tell me I am not allowing enough time before I close down I have taddaemon showing on my toolbar so I...
  20. P

    Trainz Options

    Pardon my ignorance but can anybody tell me what to do in 'Advanced Options' to get the best out of my system. 1. Vertical sync and Frequency are set to Auto. Should I leave them at this? 2. Disable Hardware TL. What does this do? 3. Vertex offset. Again, what is the purpose of this and do I...