Signal errors and faults


Please can somebody clarify errors:
line ahead not Signaled even if line ahead is well signaled.
signal ahead is in unknown state.

Clicking on legacy item what does red or yellow line mean.
A further problem is that signals remain passive.
Please can somebody clarify errors:
line ahead not Signaled even if line ahead is well signaled.
signal ahead is in unknown state.

Clicking on legacy item what does red or yellow line mean.
A further problem is that signals remain passive.
Strong possibility is that you have a broken track spline between the consist and the next signal.
Another possibility is that a switch ahead is directing the path to an unterminated track (or a track with a broken track spline).

Some clarifications are needed:-
What do you mean by "legacy item"?
What do you mean by a "passive signal"?
Are you using Surveyor Classic or Surveyor 2.0?
Strong possibility is that you have a broken track spline between the consist and the next signal.
Another possibility is that a switch ahead is directing the path to an unterminated track (or a track with a broken track spline).

Some clarifications are needed:-
What do you mean by "legacy item"?
What do you mean by a "passive signal"?
Are you using Surveyor Classic or Surveyor 2.0?
licking on a signal with view details opens a box reading Display Legacy View Details.
Passive semaphore does not move nor Signal lights light up.
I am using surveyor classic.
The route has been checked tine and again to fix red circles at junctions.
Red junction circles (in Surveyor Classic) or red junction dots (in Surveyor 2.0) simply mean an incorrectly formed procedural track junction but this does not stop the junction from working correctly (see the Trainz Wiki at How to Use Procedural Track). These are not the same as broken track spline joins between two track segments. The join may look correct in Surveyor but in Driver it will cause a derailment and act as an "unterminated" track which will give the "Line ahead not signaled" message.

The best way to check for broken track joins is to manually drive a loco along the track to see where it derails. You could also move each spline join slightly and if it separates into two segments then it was not joined.
Semaphore signals don't operate while the simulation is paused in Surveyor. Place a locomotive facing towards the signal and un-pause the simulator and your semaphore signals should operate fine.

If the signals don't operate, then there's something else wrong with the scripts.
Semaphore signals don't operate while the simulation is paused in Surveyor. Place a locomotive facing towards the signal and un-pause the simulator and your semaphore signals should operate fine.

If the signals don't operate, then there's something else wrong with the scripts.
I replaced signals with problems with others