
Signature This year’s high school seniors have already endured so much. Unlike every other class before them, this class couldn’t attend their graduations or proms. J.J. and LATLC wanted to make sure access to scholarships would not be added to their list of cancellations. That’s why LATLC and J.J. were determined to move forward with this virtual poker night. To buy a seat into the St. Jude Raising Hope For the Kids tournament or to read more about the event, you can visit the event page here. A $200 donation includes access to the virtual event, and entry into the tournament with 10,000 chips. A $300 donation grants access to the virtual event, a St. Jude Mission Box, and a 20,000 chip starting stack. The highest tier is set at $400, and grants access to the event, a VIP St. Jude Mission Box, and 30,000 in chips.