An Open Letter to N3V

Yeah that was the same with the Marines. I was in for 3 years in Jungle. What have did you do kid? I was in the jungle for 3 years shooting gooks. I was the man guy on my 12 guys. We were pretty good in the jungle. Why don't you join?

RJ Artim
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If customers purchased the basic game TRS22 (via Steam, N3V, or 3rd party boxed), on registration of the product one would expect to access freeware from the DLS at a higher data speed than the present 5 kilobits or 9 kilobits per second download speed.
There are thousands of freeware assets on the DLS that many Trainz members have contributed that has helped to develop and market this fantastic train simulation product.
Many people have complained about this problem in past posted Trainz Forums.
As a suggestion one would of expected at least a free 7 days fast download voucher with every purchase of Trainz Simulation basic purchase products.
I recall that this was the case with earlier versions of the Trainz product.

I have an old HP Pavillion p6-2171a computer.
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit version operating system.
Graphics card GT 730 with 2 gigabytes DDR3, and 12 gigabytes of DDR3 CPU ram.
Very satisfied with TS12, TANE, and TRS19 now working very well with medium graphic settings.

If customers purchased the basic game TRS22 (via Steam, N3V, or 3rd party boxed), on registration of the product one would expect to access freeware from the DLS at a higher data speed than the present 5 kilobits or 9 kilobits per second download speed.
There are thousands of freeware assets on the DLS that many Trainz members have contributed that has helped to develop and market this fantastic train simulation product.
Many people have complained about this problem in past posted Trainz Forums.
As a suggestion one would of expected at least a free 7 days fast download voucher with every purchase of Trainz Simulation basic purchase products.
I recall that this was the case with earlier versions of the Trainz product.

I have an old HP Pavillion p6-2171a computer.
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit version operating system.
Graphics card GT 730 with 2 gigabytes DDR3, and 12 gigabytes of DDR3 CPU ram.
Very satisfied with TS12, TANE, and TRS19 now working very well with medium graphic settings.


I remember the included FCT. When we upgraded from one version to another, meaning purchasing another version, we'd gain a bunch of FCTs and use them in the interim or when the regular FCT expired and needed to renew. The free FCTs have been included with TRS19 in the past but I don't see it listed in the offerings. That might be a special sale just as it was in the past.
I've always felt a free FCT for 30 days would be both a strong selling point AND a great promotion for selling more of them.

Once you have that freedom to just grab whatever and check it out without waiting overnight for it to download its hard to go back.
I will go a bit further and say that the FCT system needs to go as well. I understand the DLS hosting costs needs to be covered, but seriously, its 2022. Why should we have to pay to get anything above 2kbs? Literally every modern platform offers free fast downloads speeds, and have long dropped the idea of paid download speed. People are already paying $100 monthly for fast internet, why do I need to pay more to access a single games free content? Again this is just my personal opinion but I'm just throwing it out there.

Also, if TRS22 standalone had something like a FCT bundled with it, that alone would make it worth it IMO. By taking away S20, that leaves a gap in value that I feel needs something else to make the $70 worth it. As Vern said awhile back, $40-50 seems more reasonable to me, but again N3V are free to sell their game as they wish.

I can't think of any site that would even come remotely close to hosting 4TB plus of content for free. You're either going to have ads, EVERYWHERE, limited downloads, or, yep, pay for it...
It's getting a bit ridiculous anyway. Without an FCT, every time I check there are newer versions available. It can take me days to download them all. Then the next time I start up Trainz, there are more new versions available. Forget downloading anything new. For $6 US, I guess i could have them all in an instant, at least for 30 days.
I remember arguing that the DLS should at least have tolerable speeds, yet I got yelled at for saying that a while ago. I still stand firm - as file sizes are getting bigger, connections need to upgrade with it. 5/9 KB/s isn’t going to cut it for a lot of assets anymore. I’m not saying have terabyte speeds, but at least speeds that are faster than the current DLS speeds while still keeping server costs low so that N3V can survive. I am fine with FCTs, but I do think getting a 30-day one free is a decent selling point. I also don’t get why TRS22 preorders didn’t come with one…

My thoughts.
I agree with what SRKing783 said above - even though I'm a FCT holder the free access needs to be revised and its speeds increased a bit since file sizes are only getting larger these days, not smaller.

but I do think getting a 30-day one free is a decent selling point
Auran used to offer 30 day FCT trials until something like 2014/15 then N3V removed it and replaced it with a 2 day FCT trial. I think now N3V removed the trial FCTs all together when they introduced their subscriptions as I don't see any trial FCTs anymore on my account.

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Just had a thought, those who don't have an FCT, may be worth checking if you haven't at some point acquired a free one that's sitting there unactivated. I found some I was unaware of which are pretty pointless as I have a life time FCT anyway, pity you can't give them away. :(
I've used them all, Malc. My last FCT was used to downland an excess of 300GB of files over a 1.5 year timeframe, but after completely starting fresh due to bugginess, and faulty assets, there is no way in any reasonable time I could get those back without a FCT. a 1GB route could take a week. It may take several mouths to get 300GB of files back. My point is the DLS is effectively payware with no reasonable way of getting anything above 25MB. So maybe N3V doesnt need to get rid of FCT. Just please increase the free downlaod speeds to something reasonable. The current speed is unreasonable.
Just had a thought, those who don't have an FCT, may be worth checking if you haven't at some point acquired a free one that's sitting there unactivated. I found some I was unaware of which are pretty pointless as I have a life time FCT anyway, pity you can't give them away. :(

Yes, same here. For some reason I have two FCTs waiting for me when my "lifetime" FCT expires. It is certainly worth checking.

One thing that users should note is that the "lifetime" FCT is not for the length of your lifetime (may you live long and prosper!).

It is tied to the Unix Year 2038 problem, the Unix equivalent of the Windows "Y2K" problem of 22 years ago.

At precisely 03:14:08 UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) on 19th January 2038 the time keeping system used by many of the world's computers, and most of those used as network servers, will run out of digits to record the time and will reset to 20:45:52 (UTC) on Friday, 13th December 1901 - we will all be young again, Australia will be just under a year old as an independent nation, Edward VII will be on the throne of the United Kingdom.

This problem will eventually occur in all systems, software and hardware, that use a 32bit number to represent the time. Different software systems that started their "time clock" at a different date and time will experience a different end date and time.

Most 64bit operating systems (such as Windows 10, 11) use a 64bit number to represent time and that will have the same problem but at a time and date that is approximately 20 times longer than the current age of the Universe.

Thankfully, solutions are starting to be slowly implemented. The latest versions of Android, iOS, Linux and other operating systems have moved over to 64bit time keeping. But no word, as yet, for Unix based systems but we still have nearly 16 years to go.

My trivia.
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maybe N3V doesnt need to get rid of FCT. Just please increase the free downlaod speeds to something reasonable. The current speed is unreasonable.

I guess something reasonable could be 1 Mb/second? 4 Kb is too slow, to the point where I try to find a third-party site with the content I want before I download it from the DLS. I only install engines from the respective third party source (namely some DLS JR engines) as the speed is pretty much as fast as your drive can go. I can get a 1 GB file onto my Trainz game in just a few minutes rather than a day and a half. If it was 1 Mb a second I could download all the dependencies for routes and locomotives in a week rather than what appears to be a year.
I had a long message dealing with the data center and the network. It is much more simple. What you pay N3V is justifiable. They compete for your dollar against your other costs. Compared to the inane TV fare you may pay for, Trainz is a bargain. Once The End comes up on your TV you have nothing to show for the cost. Trainz has what I call legacy value. $9.00 got you a route that offers many days of entertainment. Once The End appears on the TV that is the end. Go to bed and then go to work with nothing to look forward to. Just spend $9 and you may get months of enjoyment. Seems like a good deal versus some TV program with an flopped plot.
A long while back, I found I had an FCT that had expired. Apparently because I didn't know I had one, I didn't use it, so they took it away.
I have several expired FCTs. When I had no FCT, I would always get deps from two Russian sites, but once I learned what they were doing was illegal, I stopped going there, and just dealt with the slow DLS speeds.
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All your post are very interesting.
I purchased TRS22 base game two weeks ago and i still cannot use my older contents as i have issues like never.
I don't want to pay more just to have it fixed so i think i am going to ask refund and stay on TRS19.

are those issues made to force trainz users to pay subscriptions?

I don't want pay an additional subscription as i already pay one for faster download.

Is NV3 making Base used as second zone customers? Is trainz now make only for wealthy people?

Is there somebody at NV3 game to answer those questions?
I purchased TR22 two weeks ago and its a mess. older content are impossible to load without messing the game.
Yes you are right If we want an asset from 2004 IT HAVE TO WORK.
Capitol, as I responded to your recent post on this issue in another thread, I am not having any problems with TRS22 and I will add that my older content has imported without any errors.

Please supply details - kuids, error messages, etc - otherwise your posts are just too vague to be able to give a useful response.
Glad I ran across this post. I just bought a new Alienware r13 and entertained the thought of installing TR22 but will definitely pass on it till something positive appears. In fact I am not happy with NV3 to begin with. I purchased TR19 several months ago and was never able to install it. When I tried it said it would take 60 hours and about 15 minutes later it jumped to 80 hours. Then in about 10 minutes it quit installing completely. All this happened so often I finally just gave up and cut my losses. I finally figured out it was my computer and the internet combination preventing the installation. I have now scrapped the computer and due to NV3 and their digital download only I am out TR19 and the cost of the purchase with nothing to show for it. To bad they can’t get it through their thick sculls digital downloads are not always reliable and begin using DVD format as it used to be. In fact I still have my TR2006 DVD’s and if I thought it would work with Windows 11 I would install it.
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